How To Care For Your Diamond Engagement Ring

diamonds 4 min read

By Dan Robinson, managing director of The Diamond Shop

Sweat and skin oils can cloud your diamonds.

Diamonds are perfect for everyday wear as engagement and wedding rings. However, they are not indestructible and should be worn with care.

Although diamonds are highly durable and resistant to scratching (except by another diamond), they can be chipped by a direct hard knock. They may also become loose in their settings and even fall out!

Because diamonds have an affinity to grease and oils, they can become dirty when touched. To make sure your diamond keeps its sparkle, we suggest the following care and cleaning methods.

Choose professional cleaning

Getting a professional opinion is the best option. A jeweller's input will help you assess the condition of your diamond or diamond jewellery. All jewellery purchased from The Diamond Shop comes with free lifetime professional cleaning.

Handle your diamond sparingly

Diamonds are natural magnets for grease; they're not easy to keep clean. Touching a diamond with your fingers provides enough oils from your skin (the type of grease that most affects diamonds) to alter the way it looks. Less handling means your diamond remains clean and sparkling.

Wash with mild liquid detergent

Soak your jewellery in a small bowl of warm, soapy water made with any mild liquid detergent. Gently brush diamond jewellery with a soft toothbrush while it is in the suds, then rinse each piece under warm, running water. Pat it dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. Make sure to always keep the plug in your sink.

Soak in household ammonia

To keep your diamond jewellery looking beautiful, soak it in an ammonia-based household cleaner (such as window cleaner) overnight, once or twice weekly. In the morning, remove the diamond from the cleaner and brush it with a soft, clean toothbrush (one that has not previously been used in any way, and that you reserve exclusively for cleaning your diamond) to remove any leftover dirt. Take extra care to brush the back of the diamond, as this will be the area that has collected the most oil and dirt. Swish in the solution a second time, rinse and drain on tissue paper.

Jewellery cleaner

Alternatively, buy a well-reputed, brand name jewellery cleaner and use it according to the instructions given on the label.

Ultrasonic Cleaner

By sending high frequency sound waves through a detergent solution, ultrasonic cleaners cause vibrating fluid to remove accumulated dirt and grime. However, they can also shake loose stones from their mountings, so this method shouldn't be used on fragile settings, estate jewellery, or with certain coloured gemstones like emeralds and tanzanites. Ultrasonic cleaning is best undertaken by a professional jeweller.

Harmful solutions to avoid

Chlorine (as in household bleach) or abrasives (such as household cleansers or toothpaste) should never be used when cleaning diamonds, especially those which are set in jewellery. These solutions erode some of the metals often used in diamond settings, and may loosen prongs or even dissolve the metal completely.

Gold and platinum care

Most yellow gold, white gold or platinum jewellery can be maintained at home by cleaning with a soft toothbrush, hot water and a non-abrasive soap. This will remove any hand cream, fingerprints, dust and dirt caught in the setting and brighten up your metal. Be sure to check your jewellery regularly to make sure you don’t have any loose gemstones or missing or lifted claws. When you are not wearing your jewellery, make sure you are storing it in a jewellery box where each item is protected and not getting scratched by other items. If you are unsure or have any concerns, ask your local jeweller to check for you.

Over time and general wear there will be small marks in the metal which are unavoidable. We recommend you bring your jewellery back to be professionally cleaned on a yearly basis, particularly white gold, which needs rhodium plating to look bright and white. This will bring your precious metal back to looking new again.

Titanium care

To maintain the appearance of your titanium jewellery, we recommend removing it before using harsh chemicals or chlorine. To clean titanium jewellery, use a warm water and soap solution, then dry and polish with a soft cloth. When not being worn, store your titanium jewellery in the box supplied or a soft cloth bag.

Silver care

To care for your silver, we recommend investing in a silver cloth or a silver cleaning solution. To protect your silver from scratches when it's not being worn, we recommend storing it in a soft cloth bag or in the box provided.

Palladium care

To care for your palladium jewellery, gently scrub with a soft-bristled brush in a mild solution of soap and warm water, then dry and polish with a soft cloth.

General jewellery care

You will find after a period of time your jewellery will not shine as bright as it once did, whether it be the metal that needs polishing or gemstones that need cleaning.

The Diamond Shop recommends you keep a soft toothbrush at home to clean your jewellery. Use hot water and some-non abrasive soap and brush lightly in and behind the settings to remove any hand cream, fingerprints, dust and dirt caught in the setting. This will brighten up your gemstones and also your gold and platinum.

We also recommend that you bring your jewellery back to the store every year to have your jewellery professionally cleaned and checked. We'll make sure all claws are strong enough and your gemstones are safe and secure. Consider doing this around your anniversary, so you remember.  

Finally, check the fine print of your insurance policy.  They will often state how often you are required to have your jewellery checked.

engagement rings precious metals advice diamond care diamonds