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When To Take Off Your Engagement Ring

advice 1 min read
Put your ring somewhere safe before swimming!

If you really love your engagement ring, you might never want to take it off. However, there are moments in your day-to-day life when we strongly recommend you do, to protect your ring and keep it sparkling.

At the beach

It's tempting to show your diamond off in the sun and surf, but wearing your engagement ring to the beach is a really bad idea. If it slips off in the water, it will be gone in seconds, and there's little chance of finding it if it ends up buried in sand, either. Even if you don't lose it, grains of sand can get caught in the setting or leave nasty scratches on the band, while sunscreen will make your diamond look cloudy. That last problem can at least be fixed with a professional cleaning, but it's better not to risk it.

Working out

Store your engagement ring somewhere safe before hitting the gym or playing contact sports. Heavy pressure, from activities like lifting weights, can bend the band of your ring and even cause small diamonds, as in a pavé band, to pop out. Even worse, getting your ring snagged on sports equipment or exercise machines can cause a nasty injury called ring avulsion. Leave it at home or in a secure locker, and only put it back on after you've showered and applied lotion.

In the shower or bath

Like sunscreen, all lotions, soaps, hair products and body washes are bad news for diamonds. Any of them can leave a build-up on or under your diamonds, making them look cloudy and dim. A professional cleaning is the only way to restore their sparkle once this happens, so remember to take off your ring before lathering up.

Swimming pools

The chemicals used to keep swimming pools clean and hygienic, including chlorine, are harmful to precious metals. While one or two slip-ups won't do much damage, repeatedly being immersed in chlorinated water will eventually discolour the metal. If you're a regular swimmer, make taking off your ring part of your routine.

Doing housework

Household cleaning products contain a lot of chemicals that can damage your engagement ring. These include chlorine, which as mentioned above can gradually discolour precious metals, and ordinary bleach. Even soap can get on or behind your diamond and take away its shine. Take off your ring, or, at minimum, wear protective gloves whenever you're doing housework.

Our ring cleaning service

If your engagement ring isn't looking its best, bring it in to The Diamond Shop for a professional clean in our ultrasonic bath. If you're a Diamond Shop customer, this service is free for the lifetime of your ring.

engagement rings advice diamonds rings